✓ The fundamental understanding we need to have in place before we even start to dive into any ‘techniques’ — and without which any ’success’ in our (love)life will be temporary at best.
✓ Becoming the DJ of your life + the malleability of reality…
✓ The true meaning of emotions and how to utilize them as guidance from our Higher Self.
✓ How to dissolve limiting beliefs and shift from lack to abundance.
✓ Why "It’s about the feeling, not the form."
✓ Playful and efficient ways to place a “Amazing Man Custom Order" with the Universe :)
✓ Self love vs. letting go INTO love.
Polarity 101 – Masculine/Feminine Dynamics
Core understandings the dance of the Masculine and Feminine.
— The pitfalls of equality.
— What is feminine sexiness?
— Expanding your range of energetic embodiment,
— Why you stay in the ‘friend zone’ and how to get out of it..
— What to do if you attract too many men,
and the energetic alignment that attracts higher quality men.
— Setting your standards and raising your value.
— Becoming unsusceptible to abuse.
— Understanding ‘beliefs backed up by experience’ and how to up level into a new reality
— Playing with energy: penetrating, receptive or resting in the vertical drop.
Desire and Manifestation:
Being vibrationally clear about what you want.
You always attract the kind of relationship you think that you deserve.
How to playfully place an “Amazing Man Custom Order” with the universe.
Key understanding: Manifestation doesn’t take time, it simply takes alignment.
How to come into alignment if what you desire hasn’t shown up yet.
Seeing limiting beliefs not as obstacles, but as opportunities for clarity and alignment.
How to feel aligned even when you experience sadness.
What if the partner you desire feels like “out of reach”?
Are you the perfect partner for your perfect partner?
The Attraction Formula
Objective beauty vs. perceived beauty
Visuals vs. energetics
What makes people attracted to you?
– Visual attraction
– Polarity/energetic attraction
– Perceived value
– Perceived challenge
– Depth/Connection
+ How does a man want to feel when he’s with you?...
The most beautiful gifts you can give to a man.
Magnify and sustain attraction:
Riding the Bliss Point between comfort/connection and challenge/adventure
Body language & Voice
It's not about the script:
Why WHAT you say means virtually NOTHING, compared to HOW you say it.
2 effortless keys to attractive body language: _______ and ________ .
The #1 unattractive body language habit you might unconsciously be doing…
Hand gestures & posture.
What is being subliminally communicated when there’s tension in your voice.
Body language to communicate that you’re open for being approached:
✓ Individual body language.
✓ Body language when you're out together with your friends.
Eyes, Non-verbal Cues & Touch
How to use your eyes and non-verbal cues for connection and attraction
Tracing the Face Triangle.
Tactile feeling & eating.
Body cues.
The Approach
The myth of “If he sees me, and he likes me, then he’ll approach me” (and why the opposite is usually true)...
How to make the move without making the move.
Effortless ways to invite him to come up to you.
Eye Contact: The Double Look
The subtle detail that creates “the pull”.
Why letting it come “naturally" is often bad/incomplete advice,
and how to retrain what comes naturally to you.
Uber clear invitation for him to come over*
The Wave (takes some confidence but works like magic)
Rejection proof ways to initiate conversation:
Playfully “stating the obvious".
The #1 phrase to use to instantly spark attraction and activate men’s ‘primal attraction triggers’…
Energetic fine tuning.
Connection Hacks – little known shortcuts to increased mutual magnetism
Playfully increasing Perceived Challenge.
Increasing attraction by breaking rapport.
(“Espresso? Things would never work out between us.” ;)
3 qualities of conversation: Politeness - Deep Connection - Playful Teasing
Why playing "hard to get" doesn’t work.
Appreciation/invitation/connection + challenge and playfulness.
Communicating our values and standards through sharing stories.
The "triple layered compliment": appreciation, challenge and invitation all in one.
Body language side note: ______ and ______ whenever you hug a man.
Interested in a work colleague? Say this to him: _______
Connection hack #2 - the time jump
(use this on one of the first dates, to create the illusion of having known each other for longer):
Connection hack #3 – Imaginary (innocent) role play
Where to go to meet amazing men?
Upping the odds of meeting the kind of man you want
Why you’ll repel guys if you try too hard + how to initiate while staying relaxed and in your feminine.
Releasing attachment to outcome.
Is attraction always mutual?
Understanding the two types of attraction:
Aligned magnetism vs. Idolization/infatuation.
Fun and sexy ways to get his number (without "asking").
Why you need to delete the question marks.
If he doesn't call or text you, text him this...
Man Melting Compliments
Why men and women appreciate different kinds of compliments.
3 Compliments that men love, and that speak to the deeper part in him.
How to activate the 'Provide and Protect' aspect of his masculine core.
Commitment Secrets
2 Definitions of Commitment (this makes all the difference).
Understanding the feminine need for connection and the masculine need for freedom.
(Especially in the different ways we solve conflict as men and women = also useful when in a long term relationship.)
What to say if your boyfriend is flirting with another woman.
+ What to say if he’s talking about other women to make you jealous or insecure:
Why all of these don't work: Dramatic/emotional, passive aggressive, cold and quiet, flirting with another guy, or being ultra spiritual...
How to communicate in a way that shows boundaries, appreciation, standards and makes him want to be at his best with you.
Invite & Influence
Communicating turn-on with words or sound.
Get a guy to do anything you want with this phrase...
Bypassing the male ego and asking for what you want in intimacy – in a way that strengthens connection and attraction.
How to stay in alignment within a relationship
What defines a high value woman.
One big mistake women make when getting into a relationship.
How to receive compliments to authentically enhance attraction
And... one big key to sustainable attraction and polarity in long term intimacy.