Use code NEWYEARBUNDLE for 42% off until 2/2/2024 - and let's make this year a masterpiece

Use code NEWYEARBUNDLE for 42% off until 2/2/2024 - and let's make this year a masterpiece

Welcome to...
Deep Woman
Breath + Meditation Immersion bundle
Welcome to...
Deep Woman
Breath + Meditation Immersion
morning & evening practice bundle for conscious women:
breathwork, meditation and effortless upgrades
with Ronja Sebastian + select guest teachers

Your perfect "latte blend" of morning and evening practices.
morning & evening practice bundle for conscious women:
breathwork, meditation and effortless upgrades
by Ronja Sebastian + select guest teachers

Your perfect "latte blend" of morning and evening practices.

The Deep Woman Breath & Meditation Immersion bundle
is a nourishing blend of guided morning & evening practices.

Designed for you to experience...

– Rejuvenation & relaxation.

– Inner stability, grounding and peace.

– Creativity and inspiration effortlessly flowing through you.

– Unlocking Deep Woman codes within you –
so that you can experience life from a foundation of
trust, ease and connection with your
inner knowing.

Scroll down to see everything that's included 
+ experience a taster of the first
two guided practices below...

❨ guided by ❩

Ronja Sebastian
 — creator of the Ecstatic Awakening Retreat and the Deep Woman Immersion, and resident breath facilitator with Wild Woman Sisterhood
Londin Angel Winters
— creator of Yoga of Intimacy and author of The Awakened Woman’s Guide to Everlasting Love
Nicole Nyima Costerus
— founder of 
Women of Ancient Futures 
and You Are Intuition

Dear Deep Woman,

Feel into this...

Some days,
you love it long and deep.

On other days...
you like a quick get it done in under 15 mins.

Maybe you do it in your bedroom,
or the couch or office...

Or get acrobatic on your yoga mat....

Or sometimes...
you even love to take it outside 
and do it in nature.

(Or mix and match of all of the above.)

On days when you don't, it's not necessarily a bad day, 
but you just feel a bit meh.
More mediocre. 

Out of touch with your full 
knock 'em dead awesomeness.

On days when you do, though... Ohh, you're better
More confident. Sexier. 

Things come to you easily and effortlessly.
You're happier. You make more money. 

People notice. They're like: 
"Hey girl, you're GLOWING... 
  did you just _______?"

"Yes", you smile. 
"Yes, I did." ;)

And if they're into it too – they smile and nod, 
because they know...

What are we speaking of? But of course:
     Your morning practice.

And not just any generic
"oh, that was kinda nice" morning practice.

>> But specifically the kind that incorporates 
expanded awareness + energetic activation
which taps you into that semi-mythical state know as flow

Also known as: #drugswithoutdrugs

Perhaps the most effective recipe for this: 

Meditation + Breathwork.

Layered with music, asmr effects and nature sounds.
For a deep, rejuvenating experience.

Welcome to the Deep Woman Breath & Meditation Practices:
what awaits you
inside the Deep Woman
breathwork & meditation sessions:

Your perfect "latte blend" of morning and evening practices.

❨ ❩
the flow of the experience . . .
→ luxurious practices for nourishment & inspiration
effortlessly receive: simply press play and go for the ride
→ a new 'Deep Woman Code' embedded within each meditation
→ every practice designed for you to unlock more of the beauty, magic and genius that you naturally are
the Beach Ocean Breath Meditation 
+ MicroCosmic Orbit
❨ ❩
 The vibe: Be swept away to a tropical beach... Nourishment. Slowing down. 
Breathing with the ocean. Soft waves washing over you.
 Deep Woman code: Surrendered liquid oceanic flow. 
Effortlessly allowing flow of emotion while resting in deep inner equanimity.

Experience a taster of the practice bundle #1:
the Beach Ocean Breath Meditation 
+ MicroCosmic Orbit

{ Put on your best headphones and press play... }

 the Jungle Breath Activation

The vibe: Lush rainforest. Sound of water and jungle. Moist earth. Revitalizing air entering all of your cells.
 → Deep Woman Code: 
Meeting/becoming your jungle self. 
Activating the physicality of you. 
Experiencing deep primal instinct. 
Intuition. Guidance. Knowing.

Experience a taster of the practice bundle #2:
the Jungle Breath Activation

{ Use headphones for the best experience... } 

 the Snow Meditation + Pineal Activation

 The vibe: Endless snow landscape. 
Cool, crisp, clear air. 
A feeling of limitlessness.
 Deep Woman Code: 
Pristine spacious awareness. 
Clarity. Expansive consciousness.
 the Mountain Meditation + Core Channel Breathwork

The vibe: Elevated high above the world on a green mountain. An experience of vast expanse. Breathing between the earth and sky.
 → Deep Woman Code: 
Knowing a world before human-created distractions. Before technology existed. Connection with a part of you from a different lifetime.
 the Quantum Self Cosmic Meditation + Breath

 The vibe: 
Space traveling. Solar systems, galaxies, stars, celestial bodies. Infinite space.
 → Deep Woman Code: 
Meeting your Quantum Self. Timeline jumping. 
Sensing space. Transmission through time.
 Inspiration Infusion Meditation:
the Golden Light Visualization

The vibe: 
Golden light. 
Luminous healing colors. 
Activation. Creativity.
 → Deep Woman Code: Effortless creation flowing through you. Transforming resistance into endless fuel for your mission and inspiration on tap.
guest practice 
by Nicole Nyima Costerus: 
Relaxing into your Primal Woman

 The vibe: 
Earthy. Rooted. Pre-mind. Untamed. 
Deeply grounded.
 → Deep Woman Code: 
Unwinding and accessing/embodying
your Deep Primal Woman.
guest practice 
by Londin Winters : 
Receptive Breath & activating 
your Inner Omega Meridian  
❨ ❩
The vibe: 
Sensuality. Rich, luxurious flow of breath. Inner current of luscious, erotic flow. Home within yourself.
  → Deep Woman Code: 
Activating your Omega Meridian. 
Your inner secret superpower.
Deep Woman Sensual Alchemy Breathwork

 The vibe: 
Luxurious. Sensual. 
O*gasmic Breathwork.
 → Deep Woman Code: 
Pleasure as an avenue into expanded 
extra bonus: 
the Evening Meditation bundle 
❨ ❩

Evening meditation #1
Slow Down & Unwind 
for a Peaceful Night's Sleep
The vibe: 
Sweetness. Cozy relaxation. 
Sleeping in a soft embrace of gratitude. 

Evening meditation #2 
The Digital Detox Evening Meditation
The vibe: 
Unplug... Cleanse your brain from digital debris. 
Relief. A clean slate of mind.

Evening meditation #2 
The Digital Detox Evening Meditation
The vibe: Unplug...
Cleanse your brain from digital debris. 
Relief. A clean slate of mind.

Evening meditation #3 
The Cosmic Awareness Evening Meditation
The vibe: 
Spacious awareness. 
Held in the loving presence of the universe.
Rejuvenation going into deep sleep.

⫸Experiences . . .⫷

Thank you so much. So grateful. That was MAGIC.
– Amberlee Rose 

That was Incredible! Never experienced anything like it! 
I'm speechless.
First real relaxation and calm in months. Thank you so much! 
– Nat O.

I truly think that was the most impactful meditative experience I’ve ever had. 
Thank you so much. Magical ✨💫
– Alex H.

Ronja, this is insanely inspiring. So pure. So clear. 
I can't even put words to it. Cried and laughed… 
You are truly perfect!!!
– Ylva

Amazing journey… I cried when I met my Quantum Self. 
– Hayley

Beautiful, relaxing and energizing - just what I needed.
– Hannah D.

This was awesome!!! Don't know which one I like best. 
One for every mood…
– Anne

I feel like i can do anything I put my mind to and like 
I have the energy for exactly what I feel called to do with my life.
– Natalie

Amazing journey! I traveled into my body and found the universe there. 
Infinite space between the cells...
Thank you so much for this experience.
– Claudia E.

Included in the bundle:
THE 7 day DEEP WOMAN BREATH & MEDITATION IMMERSION happened live from bali with 1,400 women 
in december of 2022
THE 7 day DEEP WOMAN BREATH & MEDITATION IMMERSION happened live from bali with 1,400 women 
in december of 2022

The replays are now available of all live sessions + high quality audio downloads of all breathwork & meditations + the Evening Meditation Bundle as an extra bonus

The replays are now available of all live sessions + high quality audio downloads of all breathwork & meditations + the Evening Meditation Bundle as an extra bonus

✓ The Beach Ocean Breath Meditation
+ MicroCosmic Orbit

✓ The Beach Ocean Breath Meditation
+ MicroCosmic Orbit

✓ The Jungle Breath Activation

✓ The Jungle Breath Activation

✓ The Snow Meditation + Pineal Breath Activation

✓ The Snow Meditation + Pineal Breath Activation

✓ The Mountain Meditation + Core Channel Breath

✓ The Quantum Self Cosmic Meditation + Breath

Inspiration Infusion Meditation:
The Golden Light Visualization

✓ Bonus session: Nicole Nyima Costerus :
Connecting to Your Primal Woman  

✓ Bonus session: Londin Angel Winters : Receptive Breath & Activating Your Inner Omega Meridian

✓ the Deep Woman Snsual Alchemy Breathwork
Deep Woman final masterclass

→ Replays for all 11 live sessions.

High quality audio downloads of all guided Deep Woman Breathwork & Meditations = perfect to blend into your morning & evening practices.

50% of the proceeds donated directly to Free A Girl - an amazing organization rescuing girls and young women out of sex trafficking.

Included extra bonus: the Evening Meditation Bundle:
✓ Slow Down & Unwind for a Peaceful Night's Sleep
✓ The Digital Detox Evening Meditation
✓ The Cosmic Awareness Evening Meditation 

"I’ve done a ton of Breathwork  & Meditation with so many teachers around the world, and Ronja is hands down my favorite!

I LOVE how she activates the sensuality of my body and my Limitless thinking… coupled with truly epic tunes – this is pure ecstatic bliss at its best.”
Keeley Olivia, TedX speaker, Sexuality and Relationship Expert and author of “Unleashing the Female O
so, homegirl...
let's talk specifics
>>  this is for you if . . . <<
→ You're currently single or casually dating (or – you're in a relationship but always love geeking out on all things manifestation and relationships).
→ You wanna go deep in intimacy (beyond what seems to be the "average" kind of relationship).
→ You've been feeling your king in the field, and wanna connect in a deeper way, as well as activate more of them sweet manifestation vibes for effortless magnetic attraction + deeper inner guidance.
→ You're a woman or female-identified being and you're into men. *
→ The idea of spending a weekend chilling with other awesome women and being guided in meditations, visualizations and keys to manifestation – specifically tailored towards epic soulmate kind of love – sounds like an awesome time.
* Personal note for women who are into women, as well as non-binary and guys:
If you feel called to this event and feel inspired call in your awesome soulmate → 
Welcome to join - just know that I'll be speaking with the vocabulary of woman-man intimacy. 
Both for simplicity of language in the guided meditations etc, as well as because: 
I guide and teach from personal experience, and the woman-man dynamic is simply the one that my expertise goes the deepest in, and I don't feel equipped to speak to all of the other different possible dynamics. (Phew! Rant over ;))
❨ ❩ the flow of the experience...
Day 1-5:
Daily guided Breathwork & Meditation sessions
→ your daily dose of vitality & inspiration
→ effortlessly receive: just show up and go for the ride
→ a new 'Deep Woman Code' embedded within each meditation
→ every practice designed for you to unlock more of the beauty, magic and genius that you naturally are
Day 6
❨ ❩
the Energy Breath O*gasm Experience
→ Deepening breath journey
Day 7

Final Masterclass + Q&A
→ completion + into the rest of our lives...
The Replay Upgrade Bundle includes lifetime access to all sessions, high quality audio downloads of all breathwork practices, as well as the bonus Evening Meditation Bundle.

For the Upgrade Bundle, we're donating 50% of the proceeds to Free A Girl - a phenomenal organization that has rescued over 6,500 girls and young women out of sex trafficking in India, Nepal and other countries. 

Free A Girl provides shelter, protection, trauma counselling, education, meditation and martial arts classes to the girls and women, as well as supplies powerful lawyers for justice to end child trafficking.

Learn more about Free A Girl's important work in this video:
This 2 hour masterclass happenED LIVE on SUNDAY 17 OCTOBER 2021
9am Los Angeles / 10am Costa Rica / 12pm New York / 5pm London / 6pm Amsterdam
T H E  E N E R G Y  B R E A T H  O R G A S M  R E P L A Y  I S  U P  U N T I L :
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
join the experience:
your adventure guide
Ronja Sebastian
your adventure guide
Ronja Sebastian
Ronja Sebastian is a speaker, international event leader, and catalyst into limitless living.

Bridging consciousness and awakening with next level business creation: bending time, creating more while doing less, tapping into quantum reality and orgasmic manifestation.

Attendees consistently describe her events as:
"The most impactful, epic, transformative experience of my life", and: "Kinda like taking the Limitless pill".
At the time of the live Breath & Meditation Immersion, Ronja was 7 months pregnant with a baby girl 🤍🤍🤍, and traveling in Bali with her partner Gabriel Rima who produces music under the name Zen Tempest. Together, they're preparing to soon welcome their daughter into the world.

Update: Ayila Seishela Marie Rima was born on February 11th 2023.  
Ronja is is the founder of the Ecstatic Awakening Retreat featuring Jonathan Barry, Oren Harris, Mike Vestil, Ryel Kestano – with a lineup including ATYYA, Desert Dwellers, Zen Tempest, Poranguí, Kaminanda, Kareem Raïhani, Liquid Bloom, Treavor Moontribe, Lizzy Jeff, The Human Experience, Shamans Dream, Maneesh de Moor, Temple Step Project and Yoga Rhythms.
She is the creator of the Deep Woman Immersion – Unwind | Unlock | Uplevel, the SensualBliss Online Temple, the Limitless Meditation, the 22 Minutes of Bliss Experience and the Dream Beyond Mastermind Immersion, and is a facilitator at Unconventional Life and Authentic Relating Training International.
For the last 13 years, Ronja has been leading sold out retreats all around the world, including:
Visionary Breathwork at Unconventional Life 
– ranked by Inc Magazine as the world’s #1 event for entrepreneurs 
– in Bali, Morocco, Madagascar, Croatia & Fiji.

Authentic Relating Training International
– in Bali, Amsterdam and the USA.

▷ The Digital Freedom Traveler Mastermind in Bali.

ReWild: Guatemala.
▷ Co-facilitating with Layla Martin in Tulum, Mexico.

Visionary Breathwork & Ecstatic Awakening Breathwork
at Envision Festival, Costa Rica.

Freedom X Fest, Spain.

Oneness Festival Virtual Summit.
▷ ... and many more.
Free Virtual Masterclass 
for Conscious Women
Most women go through their entire life never discovering the kind of oceanic pleasure and deep badass wisdom they're capable of. 
Watch this masterclass to change that forever... 

Inspiring Videos...
Guided Meditations
Sedona Sunrise Morning Meditation |
Activate Energy & Awareness
7 Minute Sensual Holiday Meditation |
Perfect Break for Creative Workflow
Wake Up Happy | Morning Flow Yoga Meditation
Evening Stretch & Bedtime Yoga for Deep Sleep ♡♡
Inspiration, Abundance & Limitless Living
HOW TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY & BEND TIME (Get More Done In Less Time + Feel Awesome) | Lombok, Indonesa
Expanded Consciousness for Enhanced Productivity
| Arezzo, Italy
How to not get drained when speaking to other people
Overcoming the fear of living your dream + the Art of Vibrational Forking

Access the Breath + Meditation Immersion bundle:

✓ The Beach Ocean Breath Meditation
+ MicroCosmic Orbit

✓ The Beach Ocean Breath Meditation
+ MicroCosmic Orbit

✓ The Jungle Breath Activation

✓ The Jungle Breath Activation

✓ The Snow Meditation + Pineal Breath Activation

✓ The Snow Meditation + Pineal Breath Activation

✓ The Mountain Meditation + Core Channel Breath

✓ The Quantum Self Cosmic Meditation + Breath

Inspiration Infusion Meditation:
The Golden Light Visualization

✓ Bonus session: Nicole Nyima Costerus:
Connecting to Your Primal Woman  

✓ Bonus session: Londin Angel Winters: Receptive Breath & Activating Your Inner Omega Meridian

✓ the Deep Woman Snsual Alchemy Breathwork
Deep Woman final masterclass

→ Replays for all 11 live sessions.

High quality audio downloads of all guided Deep Woman Breathwork & Meditations = perfect to blend into your morning & evening practices.

50% of the proceeds donated directly to Free A Girl - an amazing organization rescuing girls and young women out of sex trafficking.

Included extra bonus: the Evening Meditation Bundle:
✓ Slow Down & Unwind for a Peaceful Night's Sleep
✓ The Digital Detox Evening Meditation
✓ The Cosmic Awareness Evening Meditation 


join the experience: